Orlando Health recognizes that the financial aspect of your care may be confusing. Our commitment is to be as transparent as possible, and to provide you with information to make decisions about your health care.

State of Florida Health Care Pricing Website

The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) focuses on providing Floridians with access to affordable, quality health care. AHCA maintains a pricing website that provides information on payments made to hospitals for defined service bundles and procedures.

Request an Estimate

Orlando Health encourages patients who are scheduled for services or procedures to contact our price estimate department, which will evaluate, calculate and provide patients with their actual out-of-pocket expense. The price estimate department can be reached Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, by phone at (844) 318-4855 or email at PriceEstimates@OrlandoHealth.com.

You can also request an estimate online by visiting our Patient Estimates page. On this page, you can choose to produce your own online estimate using our web-based tool, or you can submit the webform to request an estimate.

Orlando Health wants to provide our patients with the information you need to make decisions about your care. We strive to provide you with an accurate financial estimate of care that is ordered or anticipated by your physician(s).

  1. Insured patients should first contact their insurance company to understand plan benefits for the care/services they anticipate at Orlando Health. Please note: Healthcare practitioners who provide services in the hospital may or may not participate with the same health insurers or health maintenance organizations as the hospital.  It is recommended to confirm/ contact the healthcare practitioner who will provide services in the hospital to determine which health insurers and health maintenance organizations the practitioner participates in as either a network provider or preferred provider.
  2. Whether insured or not, you may contact us directly for assistance with pricing estimates. We are available to offer assistance to all of our patients Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, by calling (844) 318-4855.
  3. Service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by the patient for anticipated services. Actual costs will be based on the services actually provided to the patient.
  4. Patients and prospective patients have the right to request a personalized estimate from the hospital.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), mandated hospital price transparency. For each hospital location, hospitals must make public all their standard charges (including gross charges, payer-specific negotiated charges, de-identified (blinded) minimum and maximum negotiated charges, and discounted cash prices) for all items and services online in a single digital file in a machine-readable format.

It’s important to realize that these charges are very different from, and do not predict, out-of-pocket costs patients might pay for medical services and procedures. They are the contracted rates for commercial health insurance companies and the Medicare/Medicaid fee schedule, and are sometimes compared to automobile sticker prices. These gross charges are NOT an indication of patient responsibility. Therefore, this list is not helpful for patients seeking a cost estimate. To request an estimate for a specific procedure, please use our patient cost estimate request form.

Price Transparency Data