The only Orthopedic APP Fellowship program in the state of Florida!
The Orlando Health Jewett Orthopedic Institute is proud to announce the creation of a new fellowship program geared towards educating and training high quality Advanced Practice Providers for the practice of orthopedics. This program is housed in a Level One Center with access to all areas of orthopedics.
During the APP fellowship you will have extensive hands-on training in all subspecialties of orthopedics, both outpatient community based and hospital based. A combination of lecture series, journal club, and self-guided learning will provide a solid educational basis for your clinical practice and development. Hands-on training will include cadaver and technique labs, extensive operative exposure, including first assisting, supervised procedural training and application on real patients in real-world situations.
APP Orthopedic Fellowship Mission Statement: The mission of the Orlando Health Jewett Orthopedic Institute APP Fellowship is to provide the training and experiences to produce competent, fully-functioning Orthopedic APPs that can work in any Orthopedic setting. The program’s aim is to guide the development of the ‘early-career’ practitioner towards greater confidence, competence, and independence in the clinical practice. This is accomplished in a supportive arena alongside medical students, orthopedic residents and fellows. Significant emphasis will be placed on hands-on direct patient care along with didactic lectures, self-learning, grand rounds and simulation/lab sessions.