Longitudinal evaluation of Myoelectric Prosthetic Devices in Children with Upper Congenital Limb Deficiency

Longitudinal evaluation of Myoelectric Prosthetic Devices in Children with Upper Congenital Limb Deficiency

  • Clinical Trial Information

    Trial Contact: Lopez, Denise

    Trial Phone: 0

  • IRB No: 24.050.04

    Protocol Abbrev: Limbitless Longitudinal

    Principal Investigator: Mark A. Birnbaum, MD

    Phase: Device: Non-significant Risk

    Age Group: Pediatric; Adult

    ClinicalTrials.gov ID: pending

  • Objective

    The purpose of the research study is to determine the long-term impact of novel myoelectric prosthetics and video game training on function and quality of life for children with congenital/infant upper extremity limb loss. This device will help with social acceptance and will be useful as tools for specialized activities.