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Wondering if robotic surgery is right for you? Request a consultation with one of our surgeons to learn more.

Robotic Pediatric General Surgery

Robotic surgery offers the same benefits to children as it does for adults: smaller incisions, less blood loss, less chance of infection, less pain and trauma, and a faster recovery period. Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children is pleased to provide the following pediatric robotic procedures. 

Robotic Gall Bladder Removal

Robotic-assisted laparoscopic removal of the gall bladder is available for pediatric patients in a procedure called cholecystectomy.  

The primary reason for a cholecystectomy is the presence of gallstones, small rocks that form inside the gallbladder. Gallstones can block the release of bile out of the gallbladder, and cause pain and jaundice. Because gallstones cannot be removed without taking out the gallbladder, both the stones and the gallbladder are removed at the time of the operation.

The gallbladder is not an essential organ. Once the gallbladder is removed, bile will continue to be released from the liver directly into the intestine with meals.

Robotic surgery for removal of the gallbladder requires only keyhole incisions, resulting in less pain, less scarring and a quicker recovery.  This procedure is performed with IV pain medication and sedative along with general anesthesia. Your child will be under the care of a pediatric anesthesiologist. The procedure normally takes less than one hour.  Most patients can leave the hospital within 24 hours. After the procedure, your child will be on a liquid diet and should be able to resume a normal diet within 24 hours. With robotic surgery, your child should be able to return to normal activities after 7 days, compared to 21 days with traditional open surgery.

Prescription pain medication is not routinely required after hospital discharge. Most children only need acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or ibuprophen once they return home.

Post-operative follow-up includes an evaluation with your child’s urologist one week after surgery.   

Contact Us

To request an appointment or consultation with one of our pediatric surgeons, call 407.540.1000.